Wednesday, September 3, 2014

10 Weeks Old

Sweet baby Swiss! You are getting so old! I can't believe you are already 10 weeks! My heart can't handle it! You have made my life so complete! I never knew I was missing you before. I have been so in love with you from the moment you came into this world and I held your sweet little body. At 10 weeks you are sleeping through the night and you go down for all your naps in your own crib with less than 1 minute of crying! I am so impressed with how great of a baby you are! Although you may be a little bit of a drama queen (; You HATE bathtime and lotion and anything that makes you cold. You love love love your mom and I am not just saying that. I can always calm you down when others can't. You NEED me and that makes me so happy! You have the sweetest smile and you flash it whenever mom flirts with you. Your coos and babbles are just about enough to melt my heart and they make it so hard to lay you down at nap time! I miss you when you're gone and always look forward to you waking! You nurse so well and that makes me enjoy that time with you so much more. It's such a special bond we have and I hope we can nurse for at least a year! I love you Gwen Avery and I can't wait to see what the future brings for you!

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