Baby Sister,
If only we could tell you how much we love you already. Daddy and I are so lucky to have 2 wonderful girls in our family. I can't wait for you and your sister to meet. You girls are going to be the best of friends. We only had to try for a couple months to get pregnant with you, but we wanted you so much that those few short months felt like an eternity.
I read a great quote today and I can't remember it exactly but it goes something like this:
We loved you before we knew you.
We loved you before we met you.
For we had love for you, when we first had hope of you.
I feel this way about you baby girl. Love at first sight isn't even accurate because it's more like love at first thought. When I first thought of you - I knew I loved you. I thank my Heavenly Father for giving me you. Healthy and strong you. And I thank you for choosing me as your mother and choosing Daddy as your father. We are so blessed to have you.
A common piece of advice we seem to be receiving frequently is "two is so much harder than one". I don't doubt that it's going to be hard. But I know it's going to be so worth it and so much fun. Nora and Mommy already have lots of fun - I can't wait to add you to the mix. We also heard from many people that having Nora would be so hard (we didn't think it was that hard). I think our attitude has been the biggest factor in that. We know that raising children is hard and caring for them is hard. But we do it because we WANT to and because we absolutely LOVE you girls. That makes it easy to forget the "hard" parts. It's only hard if you make it and focus on it being such.
Little baby girl, we love you to the moon and back ... and to the moon again. You couldn't even comprehend it and it's never going to stop growing. But it's important that you know it. And that you know that I loved you before I even met you.
Keep growing strong and healthy. Love, Mom